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Bijou Camara & Guinee Toumboui (Afro-drummers & Dancers)

Authentic african drum and danceshow

Guinee Toumboui is a professional group of African drummers and dancers, dedicated to presenting traditional rhythms and dances from Guinea. Their live performances are thrilling, wild, energetic, authentic and colourful, thanks to the traditional African costumes in which they perform. No event is too small or too large for the band; they perform in every size of group from solo projects to the full eight-member ensemble. As a part of their show, dance workshops or drumming workshops under the leadership of the band members can also be organized.

Guinee Toumboui - afrikanischeTrommeln und Tanz
Profesionelle afrikanische Trommlern un Tänzerinen
Afrikanische Trommeln und Tanz - concert in Bratislava
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